Sometimes I work on nursery trees, sometimes I work on client’s trees……and sometimes if I’ve been a really good boy I get to work on my own trees. Hopefully these regular visits will give you an insight into what goes on behind closed doors……….
Studio Stories – A client’s Pine and Juniper
A client left two trees for us to style on his behalf. The first was a substantial nursery grown Scot’s Pine. The bark is already becoming mature and the tree has a lot of character.
An old stump where the original taller tree had been cut back was hollowed and carved to complement the trees new design. This will be refined further in the forthcoming years. Some branches were made into deadwood and bent into position.
The live branches were thinned out, wired and repositioned. In styling the tree the planting angle had to be changed considerably. The client had requested retaining a thin second trunk but in my opinion it does not complement the main trunk and I will recommend it’s removal. The client subsequently agreed to this.
The second tree was a Juniper Parsonii. It had grown very well but now resembled a large bush. Extensive thinning out was required before I could even think about the styling.
The shari up the front of the tree was widened and extended. A large branch near the top of the tree was cut back and made into deadwood. A selection of the branches was made and those that remained were wired.
Once again the styling of the tree involved a very dramatic shift in it’s planting angle but this movement brings the whole new design to life.
Both these trees have been given a new lease of life and taken to their next level. They should improve and progress greatly in the years to come.
I am just pleased that my client was pleased……….