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Classroom Corner – Stan’s Juniper Ittogawa

An open window into the comings and goings of students and their trees attending our regular weekend and midweek bonsai classes under the ever watchful eyes of John Hanby.
Classroom Corner – Stan’s Juniper Ittogawa

Stan fetched this tree to a recent Wednesday workshop. It had grown so well it was now like a bush again. It had lost its shape.

I set about removing branches I didn’t think we would need and Stan cleaned out the foliage ready for wiring.

Two weeks later the tree returned and was now completely wired. It was a case of repositioning all the branches……this was quite a detailed wiring.

Next year the foliage can be pruned and compacted more during the growing season whilst retaining the trees health and vigour.

What a difference a couple of weeks can make in the life of a tree. It has regained its shape and once again looks really well….this is undoubtedly a fine Juniper bonsai.