Ian’s Juniper Parsonii Posted on May 4, 2019 by John Hanby We carried out a styling of this tree in October 2017. As you can see the foliage mass is far too wide for the trunk. Branches were removed and the trunk was cleaned. The remaining branches were thinned out and wired. Shari lines were created and extended. An initial shaping and a new angle. The canopy is still too large but good to maintain the tree’s health and vigour. The tree as it arrived in the classroom last week. The tree is really strong and has outgrown itself again. Thinned out ready for wiring. Wired and styled again. Now the foliage mass is more in keeping with trunk size and mirrors the line of the trunk itself. It will need further reduction in the future but the foliage retained now is good for continued health and vigour. Keep a lookout for further updates on this tree in the future.