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Initial Styling – Two Pines

We had repotted this Scots Pine earlier this year in Spring and it had grown well during the summer. This was the tree on a September workshop prepared ready for wiring.
October…..and the tree is back in the workshop, wired and ready for styling.

After the initial styling……a nice silhouette to the foliage which we can now look to make more compact with greater density.
This collected Scots pine arrived on the same October class.
The trunk has some really nice and unusual movement with good taper.
How does nature manage to create such amazing loops???
A clearer view of the trunk line from the other side.
The tree after it’s initial styling. The shape is good but a little too heavy/full for this style of trunk. The branches are spread open to encourage back budding and eventually a more compact canopy.
The foliage clouds frame the movement and interesting spaces formed by the trunk line.

Two really good collected pines which just happen to have arrived on the same class. Both are a nice medium size bonsai and have excellent potential to make really good trees…….watch this space!!