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Case Study….Kevin’s Scots Pine

What a really pleasant surprise when Kevin brought his twin trunk Scots Pine to a recent workshop. Until he reminded me with the photographs I hadn’t appreciated just how far we had come with this tree!

The tree we started with on a Christmas special in December 2015
After the initial selection of trunks.
January 2016 – One month later and the initial styling is complete.
October 2017…the tree had been repotted in the spring and was now restyled after a second wiring.
December 2019 – More refinement and some adjustment of the branch placing.

Once again it shows what can be achieved in a relatively short space of time….only 4 years….if you start with a reasonable piece of material, keep the tree healthy and apply the correct techniques at the right time.

This tree now looks more like a five needle pine that’s just arrived from Japan.

Excellent work Kevin!……..and now we have to continue to take him to his next level…….watch this space!…..