From the sales bench…..Juniper Rigida(Part Two) Posted on April 17, 2020 by John Hanby February 2020……I need to get some definition into the foliage clouds and wire out the end shoots which are drooping as they are not strong enough to carry their own weight. The other side of the tree. March 2020…..Work is underway on sorting the foliage clouds as you can see but now I also have to consider repotting? I think you could say it is ready! This is a typical Japanese root system found in imported trees. I had to rake out and remove the outer roots but also had to make sure water could penetrate the central core. This is a good tree so I chose a hand made signed Japanese pot I had in my collection. The tree standing proud in his new pot. April 2020…..The tree repotted, wired, cleaned out and pruned. Already showing signs of encouraging back budding. The tree is making good progress in his first 12 months outside of Japan.