A Juniper I had to wire and style – Part Two Posted on May 6, 2021 by John Hanby Carrying on from part one the two low branches on the right hand trunk were removed and turned into jins. They were considered to be too low and too thin. Viewed from the side as the remaining branches are wired and pulled down the low branches I have just cut off will not be missed. I continue wiring and shaping the branches working from the bottom upwards. A long section projecting out of the top of the tree needs to be removed. The top now looks much more compact. This branch was also weak from a scale insect attack. The completed image. The photographs don’t really do the tree justice. Viewed from the right hand side you get a much better idea of how more compact and organised the refined foliage mass is. The view from the rear of the tree. The narrow canopy emphasises the height of the trees and is much more naturally in tune with the character of the trunks themselves. Viewed from the left. The branches tips are deliberately left untouched even if a little untidy to promote vigour and help the tree recover from the styling process. Just in case you forgot how the tree looked before I started. I am really pleased with the outcome and feel that the tree is now on its way to its next level.