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Case Study – Michelle’s problem Pyracantha

March 2020 – Michelle had acquired this tree from a private collection. The tree had been styled as a cascade bonsai but the straight trunk with little taper just did not work.
I had asked Michelle to acquire some rocks from a fellow student to see if we could make something better out of this tree.
A large plastic training pot would be needed to accommodate both the tree and the rocks.
Rocks and compost were added.
After mossing up and a basic pruning to try and initiate a landscape raft with branches now representing individual trees.
September 2020 – The tree has recovered from its transformation and grown well.
After a pruning to shape and a little bit of wiring.
June 2021 – The tree continues to grow well but is becoming too bushy.
Once again I had to carry out a severe pruning back to visually separate the trees.
November 2021 – After yet another pruning and the addition of some moss.

I am really pleased with the transformation in this tree in such a relatively short time. The tree was never going to progress in its original cascade style. Now you can actually see some real potential as the landscape planting really begins to take shape.

Eventually the whole planting can be transferred into a shallow pot or a slab to really accentuate the drama of a rocky landscape.

I am looking forward to working with Michelle in moving this planting forward and creating something a little bit special from such a basic and humble piece of material.