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Some recent visitors to class for ongoing care work

Before – This privet raft style bonsai will require a thoughtful landscape project when it is eventually transferred to its final pot.
After – For now it can benefit from a simple good pruning back.
Before – A buxus garden plant allowed to grow well.
After – Its actually beginning to shape up well after some thinning out.
Before – This Arrakawa or ‘Cork Bark” maple had already been extensively pruned back earlier in the season.
After – Some shoots have been deliberately left long to extend and thicken.
Before – An old cedar with amazing rough bark.
After – The tree will be wired, pruned again and repotted before it starts growing in the spring.
Before – An old juniper chinensis with excellent shari and twisting veins.
Pruning in progress! My students call this evidence or exhibit “A”!!
After – This lighter canopy will take a lot of pressure off the tree whilst at the same time preparing for an autumn wiring.
Before – Here the canopy is too big for the size and nature of the trunk.
After – Some initial preparation work ready for a wiring and styling over the winter.
Before – A juniper Sabina in the half cascade style.
After – A little pruning of the tree and the overall appearance of the canopy is restored.

These trees were brought along to a couple of recent classes and clearly illustrate the diversity of material I am presented with on a regular basis. it certainly makes life interesting for both me and the other students.