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Memory Lane – Demo Day Taxus Cuspidata Part Two……Now….

Looking back….we can tell a tree’s story…..admire an image…..capture a moment…..remember a special event… inspired – to create a memory for tomorrow. 

I hope you enjoy this regular peep into some of John’s bonsai history.

Memory Lane – Demo Day Taxus Cuspidata Part Two………Now….
Part One of this post was published on the 23rd September 2013.
Following the styling and repotting in the spring of 2010 the tree was allowed to grow and recover. The first two pictures taken in September 2010 show elongated shoots and the raised rootball following the change of angle during the repotting.
IMG_0734 Newstead 4 our pictures 205 Newstead 4 Sept 2010 023
The third picture shows the tree on the sales bench in the spring of 2013. By this time the raised soil level has been reduced and exposed more trunk line into an elongated surface root. The wire on the branches has been removed. The tree has continued to grow with minimal pruning.
On the 11th September 2013 I decided it was time to revisit this tree and start it’s journey to the next level. The first two pictures show the tree before work commenced.
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Detailed examination of the live veins revealed that some areas had died back naturally (the best way….let the tree decide!) and so the shari’s could be extended. Lines were marked and the bark removed.
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The shari towards the top and front of the tree is straight and bland. Adding texture and depth with a hand tool has an immediate effect and this work can be taken further at a later date.
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Once the cleaning work and whitening of the deadwood was completed the foliage was pruned and old needles were removed. The tree was then totally rewired and all the branches were repositioned.
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This tree has changed so much since it’s somewhat unceremonious arrival into Europe in 2005. Undertaking the task of a transformation like this over a period of years and witnessing the result is indeed one of the joys of bonsai and why we all do it…….if this tree doesn’t sell I would be delighted to carry on the task for many years to come!