Following a surge of interest in joining our Bonsai Academy I am pleased to announce that a new Level One Group will start on Sunday 24th May. The class will run from 9.30 to 3.30pm.
A detailed description of the academy can be found on our website under the heading “Bonsai Classes and Information”.
The cost is the same as other classes….£22.50 for the day. Tea/coffee is available all day but students will need to bring a packed lunch.
Students do not bring any trees to academy sessions but should bring any tools they may have with them. It would also be worthwhile bringing a notebook/pen and a camera.
At the present time I have one year eight group and one year six group attending academy sessions in 2015.
If you have any queries or are interested in joining this new group please do not hesitate to contact me. Places are limited and it may be a while before we start up another group.