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Studio Stories – Academy Eight students play catch-up!

Sometimes I work on nursery trees, sometimes I work on client’s trees……and sometimes if I’ve been a really good boy I get to work on my own trees. Hopefully these regular visits will give you an insight into what goes on behind closed doors……….

Studio Stories – Academy Eight students play catch-up!

It was nice to welcome the Academy Level Eight students back into the studio this last weekend. Basically this was a day for catching up with all their ongoing projects.

The tanuki trees were inspected but apart from some general tidying up there was little more to do at this stage. Similarly the Cryptomeria trees were de-wired and lightly pruned but otherwise they were just left to grow.

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The very large Juniper Loderii forest created approximately 18 months ago was now ready for some renovation. Small areas of dead/weak shoots were cleaned out, foliage clouds were pruned and shaped, wayward branches were wired and positioned. If this forest was mossed and underplanted with miniature ferns it would look really impressive!

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The Taxus which was repotted at the last session continues to grow strongly despite it’s thick trunk having been hollowed out and bent through 90 degrees. The tree was now pruned so that the continuing growth this season would be focused in the areas where it was required.

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The thread grafted Trident Maples had also put on some strong growth and were pruned with future development in mind. Some branches were given their first wiring.

The main tree would come from the lower section of the trunks so now it was time to consider air layering parts of the upper section to create additional trees. Angled cuts were made so that we could obtain small shohin size trees with a wide base.

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These ongoing projects are becoming much more interesting as they begin to develop and this will only gain momentum as each tree comes to fruition. It’s not just about the end product…’s the journey that takes us there….learning technique, experimenting, involved logical discussions… informative, and enjoyable fun filled experience.

Twelve students have just set out on their bonsai journey and will be retuning for Level One  day two in August…..when will you be joining us???